Open the interactive environment with the code you are writing.
You are writing the following code in an unnamed buffer.
class C
def self.f(x)
x + 1
Now you want to try running the code in an interactive environment. Usually you are supposed to (1) save the code on somewhere, (2) open a terminal, (3) run irb -r {the-file}
If you already installed repl.vim, you just have to run :Repl
or to type <space>i
. It opens a buffer that is the environment you wanted.
You can do
irb> C.f 23
import Test.HUnit
foo _ = (1, 2)
test1 = TestCase (assertEqual "for (foo 3)," (1,2) (foo 3))
tests = TestList [TestLabel "test1" test1]
Run :Repl
without saving the code on a file.
ghci> runTestTT tests
- Ruby
- Haskell
- Python (You can chose python2 or python3 interpreter)
- Erlang
- JavaScript
- Clojure
- Idris
- Racket
- SWIProlog
Example for neobundle.vim
Please add the following line into your .vimrc
NeoBundle 'ujihisa/repl.vim'
and run :NeoBundleInstall
- vimshell.vim
- vimproc.vim (vimproc.vim is required by vimshell.vim)
- Tatsuhiro Ujihisa
- aiya000 <aiya000.develop at gmail com>
GPL version 3 or any later version Copyright (c) Tatsuhiro Ujihisa