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List of commits on branch master.

wrote up my thoughts of CWRNNs

uunixpickle committed 8 years ago

added OutSize helper

uunixpickle committed 8 years ago

block passes tests

uunixpickle committed 8 years ago

drafted ApplyBlockR

uunixpickle committed 8 years ago

require input states to be in sync

uunixpickle committed 8 years ago

fixed serialization bug & drafted ApplyBlock

uunixpickle committed 8 years ago


The README file for this repository.

clockwork RNNs

Clockwork RNNs use multiple RNN blocks at different timescales to deal with the vanishing gradient problem. They were shown to work well for speech recognition and sequence generation, but I hypothesize that they are ill-suited for many other sequence modeling tasks. In this repository, I will not only implement traditional clockwork RNNs, but also experiment with related architectures.

Traditional CWRNNs

In a traditional CWRNN, each sub-block in the RNN has a different period p. At timesteps t where t%p = 0, we update the sub-block's state s using the traditional RNN update: s = tanh(W*[inS; in] + b). Here, inS is a concatenation of the old state s with the states of all the "slower" blocks. The in vector is the input at time t.

The instant I saw the CWRNN update formula, I perceived a flaw in its design: a block with a high period does not receive information about every input. For instance, if I trained a CWRNN on a text corpus and gave it the string hello, a sub-block with period 2 would only see hlo. Since slower blocks only receive information from even slower blocks, using exponential periods (2, 4, 8, ...) makes it impossible for a block with period p to receive information about inputs for times t where t%p != 0. For tasks like text modeling, I hypothesize that this limitation would prevent slower blocks from capturing any long-term contextual information.

The tasks in the original CWRNN paper are almost "special" in that they do not suffer from the CWRNN's input-visibility limitation. The first task is sequence prediction with no inputs. Obviously, since the RNN has no inputs, the input-visibility limitation would not be manifest. The second task, speech recognition, lends itself naturally to CWRNNs despite their limitations. The reason is that speech (or any sound) is a sum of periodic functions. Thus, if you only sample every p timesteps from a speech signal, you still get some information about the signal. Essentially, the slower blocks in such an environment are seeing downsampled audio data.

Fully-Connected CWRNNs

To mitigate the input-visibility limitation of CWRNNs, I propose a minor change. In my new architecture, fully-connected CWRNN, sub-blocks receive information from all sub-blocks, whether faster or slower. This way, a sub-block can learn about skipped timesteps by looking at the state of a faster sub-block which did not miss those inputs. For text modeling, it could be seen how this architecture might make sense: a rapid sub-block could process words, a slower sub-block could process sentences based on those words, etc.