By Benjamin Viau and Valentin Chaboche, supervised by Jean-Baptiste Yunès
The purpose of this project is to develop two applications:
- gc to either create .game or .board
- gp to either play .game or .board
To compile the project, you must follow this instructions:
$ git clone
$ cd GaCre-GaPla
$ make
To create a .board run
$ ./gc (name).board
The (name).board will be stored in root/boards/
To create a .game run
$ ./gc (name).game (name').board ..
Game creator will search for (name').board in root/boards/ and build the (name).game in root/games/
To play .game run
$ ./gp (name).game
To try a board run
$ ./gp (name).board
Game player will search for boards in roots/boards/ and games in root/games/
To play endless mode
$ ./gp endless [seed]
X *X s X
XJ u X X
X $ X
Stage 1
Teleports: 1
Diamonds: 0
Arrows: 2
Player representend by 'J', your goal is to reach the next door '-', but it's for now closed, you need to collect at least one diamond ('$') to open the door.
* Arrow:
- '~' ->
It's an arrow shot by the player, that's apply 50 damages on monsters,
it can also destroy traps
* Diamond:
- '$' ->
Only the player can collect diamond, one diamond is required in each stage to open the next door
* Door:
- '+' or '-'
Entering a door changes the current stage, if the door is '+' it's open, you need to collect one diamond to open a '-' door
* Monster:
- 's' ->
A monster protecting it's stage, it will chase you, but you can kill him with traps, arrows (or you can just run away)
* Quiver:
- ':' ->
The quiver will give you 5 more arrows when you collect it
* Wall:
- 'X' ->
It's a wall
* Charge:
- '*' ->
The charge will give you 1 more teleport when you collect it
* Trap:
- 'o' ->
You should not step on the trap, but you can destroy it by shooting an arrow at it
* z -> move up
* q -> move left
* d -> move right
* s -> move down
* a -> move top left
* e -> move top right
* w -> move bot left
* c -> move bot right
* space -> shoot arrow
* t -> teleport