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List of commits on branch master.


vvendethiel committed 10 years ago


vvendethiel committed 12 years ago

haha wtf

vvendethiel committed 12 years ago


vvendethiel committed 12 years ago

add a disclaimer

vvendethiel committed 12 years ago

Workaround. May need to remove scope()/prefix(), since they're not that much useful and they're creating problems ...

vvendethiel committed 13 years ago


The README file for this repository.

Rails Router DSL for PHP

This repository is a port of the Rails Router DSL for PHP.

Note: You should not use or try anything with this project if you don't indent to shoot yourself soon enough (I'd recommand Slim. The main problem is decribed in GH-1).


Use Router\Routes::draw and give it a closure. You will be nesting closure, in order to mimicate the DSL. The base routable will be injected into the closure as the argument, for example

<?php //do require 'vendor/autoload'; and stuffs
Router\Router::draw(function ($r)
	//Here, your code !

HTTP Verbs

The base routable object has http verbs as methods :

  • get
  • post
  • put
  • patch
  • delete These http verbs maps to the method match, which has the following syntax : <?php $r->match('path/', 'controller#action', 'route_name', array('method'));. For example, match('articles', 'articles#index', 'articles', Router\Router::METHOD_GET); The third article can be omitted, it'll default to the path with '/' replaced by '_'. The fourth argument can either be an array, or just an unique value of the accepted method(s). (note : the patch() method binds to put, but either are recognized)


XXX : change merging strategy to make it work You also have access to the method ns (namespace, but not allowed by PHP's parser - like if, or, ...). The ns() method adds a PHP Namespace and namespaces the route name. As other extended methods, you have to pass a closure to it which will produce For example

<?php Router\Router::draw(function ($r)
	$r->ns('admin', function ($r)
		$r->get('articles', 'articles#index'); //we omit the third argument, as it'll be guessed to 'articles'

The path will be /articles, but the controller name will be admin\articles#index and the helper will be admin_articles

Resources (plural)

You can create CRUD resources using the method resources. The method will generate 3 collection methods : index, new, create and 4 members method : show, edit, update destroy. You can limit method generation by passing 'only' or 'except' in the $options array (optional third parameter). The closure can be used to generate methods, nesting in collection and member. For example :

<?php Router\Router::draw(function ($r)
	$r->resources('articles', function ($r)
		$r->member(function ($r)
		{ //binds to /articles/:id/
			$r->get('sell'); //full path : /articles/:id/sell
		$r->collection(function ($r)
		{ //binds to /articles/
			$r->get('clear'); //full path : /articles/clear
	}, array('except' => 'destroy'));

You can also pass directly path(s) into member and collection and give the via in the options array :

<?php Router\Router::draw(function ($r)
	$r->resources('articles', function ($r)
		//you can also pass a single member, not an array
		//you can pass the array as the second parameter, since there's no closure
		$r->collection(array('reload_list', 'enforce'), array('via' => array(Router\Router::POST, Router\Router::PUT)));

Resource (singular)

You can create CRUD resource using the method resource. This is similar to the method resources and has the same method, but there's no :id parameter and it binds to collection() directly For example :

<?php Router\Router::draw(function ($r)
	$r->resource('profile'); //generate singular CRUD resource under /profile/
	$r->resource('session', function ($r)
	{ //binds to /session/ - equivalent to collection() in plural resources
		$r->get('list'); //full path : /session/list


You can of course nest all these methods, to create a powerful routing system with that powerful DSL! This is a complicated example :

<?php $router = Router\Router::draw(function ($r)
	$r->resource('session', function ($r)
	{ //shallow prefix : /session/
		$r->get('all'); //full path : /session/all
		$r->ns('admin', function ($r)
		{ //no shall prefix difference, only namespaces route name and controller
			$r->resources('articles', function ($r)
			{ //binds to /session/articles
			  //route name is admin_article(s)_
			  //route controller is admin\article
				$r->member(function ($r)
				{ //binds to /session/articles/:id/
					$r->get('publish'); //full path : /session/articles/:id/publish
					$r->resource('review'); //binded to /session/articles/:id/review/*, like any singuler resource