The is simple temporary server to be able to work on the Assembl Phase1 UI, while we're developing the server with graphene.
This is a really simple GraphQL server that uses Apollo Server and GraphQL Tools to serve a simple schema.
It uses a very simple in-memory database, so if you restart the server or change the code, the data will reset.
Clone the repository and run yarn
or npm install
git clone
cd assembl-graphql-js-server
npm start
The server will run on port 3000. You can change this by editing server.js
Example of query:
curl --silent -XPOST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{ "variables": {"lang": "fr", "identifier": "survey"}, "query": "query MyQuery($lang:String!, $identifier:String!) { ideas(identifier:$identifier) { ... on Thematic { id, title(lang: $lang), description, video { title(lang: $lang), description(lang: $lang), htmlCode }, numPosts, questions: ideas { ... on Idea { id, title, propositions: posts { ... on Proposition { id, creator { id, name }, body, sentimentCounts { like, disagree } } } } } } } }" }' http://localhost:3000/graphql |python -m json.tool
Example of mutation:
mutation {
addSentiment(postId:"proposition:1", type: DISAGREE) {
like, disagree