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readme correc

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vvmoens committed 6 years ago


The README file for this repository.


Recurrent auto-encoding Diffusion model

This is a Julia (Flux)-based implementation of the Recurrent Auto-Encoding DDM.

Package is under development and without any guarantee of any kind.

Long term plan is to develop a FIVO package that would be used as a dipendency for RaeDm, which would just tweak it to fit the DDM problem.

Activate the package

RaeDm is currently not a registered Julia package. To use it, copy the git repo by executing

git clone
git checkout dev

Next, the package can be activated from julia by executing

julia> using Pkg
julia> Pkg.activate("./")
julia> using RaeDm

Building a model

A model can be built by calling the FIVOChain constructor:


where nx is the length of the regressor vector, ny should be 2 (RT and choices) and therefore left unchanged, nz is the size of the latent space.

nlayers is the number of layers of the Normalizing flow (if 0 no NF is used and the approximate posterior is spherical).

nnodes the number of nodes for both the feedforward layers and the RNN (GRU is used by default but LSTM could be used too without much effort), nsim the number of particles, and afun is the activation function.

F = FIVOChain(nlayers=0,nx=length(X[1][1]),nsim=8)

creates an instance of FIVOChain that can be used in the following way:

L = F(RT,C,X;
gradient_fetch_interval::Integer = -1, compute_intermediate_grad::Bool = false,opt_local=()->nothing,single_update::Bool=fa   lse, eval::Bool=false)

gradient_fetch_interval indicates at which interval the gradient should be computed (i.e. where the likelihood has to be detached from past values of the latent variables and hidden layer). If <= 0, the gradient is computed without discontinuity.

compute_intermediate_grad indicates if intermediate gradient should be computed: in that case, the each time the likelihood is stacked from past values, a new gradient is computed.

opt_local is an optimisation function used by the optimizer.

single_update states that only one sub-gradient should be computed. This makes the optimization much faster for long traces without loosing much predictive power in practice. For instance, with a gradient_fetch_interval of 500 but a number of datapoints of 2000, only a random sequence of 500 trials will be used for the gradient computation and the other results will be considered as given during backpropagation.

eval indicates that the executable should return the FIVOChain structure with intermediate values of the particles stored in FIVOChain.output.

Passing data

Data needs to be preprocessed as follow: first, for N trials, RT and choices need to be vectors (Nx1 matrices). X (the regressors) need to be a vector of vectors of size Nx1 x (Rx1), where R is the length of the regressor.

Training the algorithm

The file in test/data/BugSa/run.jl gives a runnable example of how to train the RaeDm on a real dataset. This dataset has 24 subjects executing a two-step TAFC task over 2000 trials. Because they were forced to give 2x2000 responses, there are at least 4000 trials for each subject.

The test/data/BugSa/load.jl script retrieves the data.

A FIVOChain object is build by

F = FIVOChain(nlayers=0,nx=length(X[1][1]),nsim=8)

Then an optimizer is created with

opt = RaeDm.optimize(Flux.ADAM(params(F), 0.0001))

And then trained with

opt = opt(F,RT,C,X,gradient_fetch_interval=interval,compute_intermediate_grad=true,single_update=true,continuous_opt=false)

After that, we can retrieve the simulated particled (weights and variables) by executing

 fc_out = []
 for ss in 1:length(RT)
   push!(fc_out, F(RT[ss],C[ss],X[ss],eval=true))