This is the README index file. If you want install intructions, read ATLAS/INSTALL.txt. Windows users should read ATLAS/doc/Windows.txt as well. Note that all of this documentation is probably out of date. The website always contains the most current versions:
A listing of the ATLAS documentation files is:
INSTALL.txt : Basic ATLAS installation instructions as text README : This file
in ATLAS/doc/
AtlasCredits.txt : The ATLAS team atlas_install.pdf: Relatively complete guide to configuring, building, installing and testing ATLAS. BootSequence.txt : Rough outline of how the ATLAS install works, and what files it creates. ChangeLog.txt : Brief summmary of changes from previous releases. DirStruct.txt : A graphic of the general organization of the ATLAS files INDEX.txt : This index file again LibReadme.txt : Information on generated libraries. TestTime.txt : Information on using the ATLAS testing and timing programs TroubleShoot.txt : Help with troubleshooting your installation, including where to find more help Windows.txt : Special information users of Microsoft Windows (95/98/NT/2K) should read atlas_contrib.pdf: Information on how users can speedup and contribute to ATLAS by providing low-level kernel routines altas_over.pdf : Paper describing ideas and basic methods of ATLAS cblas.pdf : Extract of the BLAST standard document, describing the standard C interface to the BLAS. fblasqr.pdf : Quick reference to the F77 interface to the BLAS.