This is a super simple implementation of JSONP in client-side JavaScript, which handles errors in an elegant way. Read the below license, which is the closest I get to releasing this software in the public domain.
The file js_modules/jsonp.js
is the implementation. Minify it if you want.
The file jsonp-usage-example.html
is just an example how to use it to query
Flickr for cat pictures with a timeout of 2 seconds.
Happy hacking!
Install it with Mud:
npm install -g mud # If you haven't already! :-)
mud install jsonp # Install this JavaScript module
mud server # Run local server, which enables development
Read more about Mud package manager at
Look in the inline documentation or the example to see how you use it. For
local development, just start mud server
and in your HTML:
<script src=""></script>
var jsonp = require('jsonp');
// use it here
To deploy, use mud inline your.html
or to just minify the module:
mud modules jsonp --global --compile > jsonp.min.js
You can also use --compile-advanced for more aggressive optimizations (which I did not test yet). The minifier is Closure. Read more at the Mud website.
If the connection fails, the URL does not exists or the result is not JSON or
non-existing, or the internal JSONP callback was called without any arguments,
the request fails with a generic JSONP Request Failed message. If you use
strict mode, the request also fails if the result is null and the webservice
can signal errors using {"error":"Total Failure"}
Open tests.html
in your webbrowser to run the tests. Tested browsers:
- Google Chrome 11.0 for Linux
- Google Chrome 11.0 for Windows
- Firefox 3.6 for Linux
- MS Internet Explorer 6.0 [FAILS, probably in
Permission is granted to use, modify, and / or redistribute at will.
This includes removing authorship notices, re-use of code parts in other software (with or without giving credit), and / or creating a commercial product based on it.
This permission is not revocable by the author.
This software is provided as-is. Use it at your own risk. There is no warranty whatsoever, neither expressed nor implied, and by using this software you accept that the author(s) shall not be held liable for any loss of data, loss of service, or other damages, be they incidental or consequential. Your only option other than accepting this is not to use the software at all.