usage: qpmg [-h] filenames [filenames ...] [-x X [X ...]] [-y Y [Y ...]] [--xlabel XLABEL [XLABEL ...]] [--ylabel YLABEL [YLABEL ...]] [--legend LEGEND [LEGEND ...]] [-s STYLE] [--scale-x SCALE_X] [--scale-y SCALE_Y] [--flip-x] [--flip-y] [--plotter {plot,semilogx,semilogy,loglog}] [--title TITLE [TITLE ...]] [--style-file STYLE_FILE] [--rcParams RCPARAMS [RCPARAMS ...]]
is a simple Python script to quickly inspect output that adheres to the
format used by MESA's profiles and histories and GYRE's summaries and mode
files. While qpmg
provides some options, it's intended for quick inspection
rather than publication-quality plots. To see the list of available columns in
a file, run qpmg
on a given file. The defaults will cause an error that
displays the available columns.
positional arguments: filenames
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-x X, -y Y Column(s) to use for the x and y variables. The code
loops through however many x and y keys you give
(inner loop over x, outer loop over y) but most of the
time you probably only want one x variable.
--xlabel XLABEL, --ylabel YLABEL Overrides the axis label with the given string.
Accepts spaces. i.e. 'effective temperature' is OK.
Default is to use the first argument of -x
--legend LABELS If auto
, add a legend using the filenames as keys.
Otherwise, use the arguments as a list of keys.
Default is no legend.
-s STYLE, --style STYLE point style, passed to plot function (default=-)
--scale-x SCALE_X multiply variables on x-axis by this much (default=1)
--scale-y SCALE_Y multiply variables on y-axis by this much (default=1)
--flip-x reverse the x-axis
--flip-y reverse the y-axis
--plotter PLOTTER use matplotlib.pyplot.PLOTTER
to plot
(one of plot
, semilogx
, semilogy
or loglog
--title TITLE Adds the given title to the plot. Accepts spaces. i.e.
my plot
is OK. Default is no title.
--style-file STYLE_FILE Specifies a matplotlib style file to load.
is available through pip
pip install qpmg
You can also clone this GitHub repo:
git clone https://github.com/warrickball/qpmg.git cd qpmg pip install -e .
or similar.
Finally, the program is entirely constrained in the script qpmg
so you can download this one file and use it as you please. For
example, I keep $HOME/.local/bin
in my $PATH
variable, so I
might get the latest version of the script with
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/warrickball/qpmg/master/qpmg -O $HOME/.local/bin
Here are a few examples from the output of MESA's test suite (r10398).
Abundance profile from example_make_pre_ccsn
qpmg example_make_pre_ccsn/LOGS/profile31.data -x q -y h1 he4 c12 n14 o16 ne20 mg24 si28 s32 ar36 ca40 ti44 cr48 fe52 fe54 fe56 ni56 --plotter semilogy --legend h1 he4 c12 n14 o16 ne20 mg24 si28 s32 ar36 ca40 ti44 cr48 fe52 fe54 fe56 ni56 --title example_make_pre_ccsn
.. image:: eg/example_make_pre_ccsn.png
Inward propagation convection zones during he_core_flash
qpmg he_core_flash/LOGS/history.data -x model_number -y conv_mx1_top conv_mx1_bot conv_mx2_top conv_mx2_bot --style . --title he_core_flash
.. image:: eg/he_core_flash.png