h1. HTML5 Offline
HTML5 provides two robust offline capabilities already implemented in popular mobile devices, such as the iPhone and Android, and on modern desktop browsers based on the Webkit and Gecko rendering engines.
h2. Usage
The easiest way to use Rack::Offline is by using Rails::Offline in a Rails application. In your router:
match "/application.manifest" => Rails::Offline
This will automatically cache all JavaScript, CSS, and HTML in your @public@ directory, and will cause the cache to be updated each request in development mode.
You can fine-tune the behavior of Rack::Offline by using it directly:
offline = Rack::Offline.configure do
cache "images/masthead.png"
public_path = Rails.public_path
Dir[public_path.join("javascripts/*.js")].each do |file|
cache file.relative_path_from(public_path)
network "/"
And when used with Rails asset pipeline:
if Rails.env.production?
offline = Rack::Offline.configure :cache_interval => 120 do
cache ActionController::Base.helpers.asset_path("application.css")
cache ActionController::Base.helpers.asset_path("application.js")
# cache other assets
network "/"
match "/application.manifest" => offline
You can pass an options Hash into #configure in Rack::Offline:
|. name |. purpose |_. value in Rails::Offline | | :cache | false means that the browser should download the assets on each request if a connection to the server can be made | the same as config.cache_classes | | :logger | a logger to send messages to | Rails.logger | | :root | The location of files listed in the manifest | Rails.public_path |
h2. Application Cache
The App Cache allows you to specify that the browser should cache certain files, and ensure that the user can access them even if the device is offline.
You specify an application's cache with a new @manifest@ attribute on the @html@ element, which must point at a location on the web that serves the manifest. A manifest looks something like this:
CACHE MANIFEST javascripts/application.js javascripts/jquery.js images/masthead.png NETWORK: /
This specifies that the browser should cache the three files immediately following CACHE MANIFEST
, and require a network connection for all other URLs.
Unlike HTTP caches, the browser treats the files listed in the manifest as an atomic unit: either it can serve all of them out of the manifest or it needs to update all of them. It will not flush the cache unless the user specifically asks the browser to clear the cache or for security reasons.
Additionally, the HTML file that supplies the @manifest@ attribute is implicitly in the manifest. This means that the browser can load the HTML file and all its cached assets as a unit, even if the device is offline.
In short, the App Cache is a much stickier, atomic cache. After storing an App Cache, the browser takes the following (simplified) steps in subsequent requests:
whether or not the device is online
as 404s. This means that images will appear broken, for instance, unless you make sure to include them in the App Cache.
the stored manifest. ** If it is identical, do nothing. ** If it is not identical, download (again, asynchronously), all assets specified in the manifest
updates the cache, fire an @updateready@ event. You can use this event to display a notice to the user that the version of the HTML they are using is out of date
h3. App Cache Considerations
The first browser hit after you change the HTML will always serve up stale HTML and JavaScript. You can mitigate this in two obvious ways:
can support a "client" that's one version older than the current version of the API.
situation by listening for the @updateready@ event
A good recommendation is to have your server support clients at most one version old, but force older clients to reload the page to get newer data.
Regular users of your application will receive updates through normal usage, and will never be forced to update. Irregular users may be forced to update if they pick up the application months after they last used in. In all, a pretty good trade-off.
While this may seem cumbersome at first, it makes it possible for your users to browse around your application more naturally when they have flaky connections, because the process of updating assets (including HTML) always happens in the background.
h3. Updating the App Cache
You will need to make sure that you update the cache manifest when any of the underlying assets change.
handles this using two strategies:
request. This means that the browser will always interpret the cache manifest as stale. Note that, as discussed in the previous section, you will need to reload the page twice to get updated assets.
all the assets in the manifest. This means that the cache manifest will not be considered stale unless the underlying assets change.
caches all JavaScript, CSS, images and HTML
files in @public@ and uses @config.cache_classes@ to determine which of
the above modes to use. In Rails, you can get more fine-grained control
over the process by using Rack::Offline
h2. Local Storage
Browsers that support the App Cache also support Local Storage, from the
HTML5 Web Storage Spec
. IE8 and above also support Local
Local Storage is a JavaScript API to an extremely simple key-value store.
It works the same as accessing an Object in JavaScript, but persists the value across sessions.
localStorage.title = "Welcome!" localStorage.title //=> "Welcome!" delete localStorage.title localStorage.title //=> undefined
Browsers can offer different amounts of storage using this API. The iPhone, for instance, offers 5MB of storage, after which it asks the user for permission to store an additional 10MB.
You can reclaim storage from a key by delete
ing it or
by overwriting its value. You can also enumerate over all keys in
the localStorage using the normal JavaScript for/in
In combination with the App Cache, you can use Local Storge to store data on the device, making it possible to show stale data to your users even if no connection is available (or in flaky connection scenarios).
h2. Basic JavaScript Strategy
You can implement a simple offline application using only a few lines of JavaScript. For simplicity, I will use jQuery, but you can easily implement this in pure JavaScript as well. The example is heavily commented, but the total number of lines of actual JavaScript is quite small.
jQuery(function($) {
// Declare a function that can take a JS object and
// populate our HTML. Because we used the App Cache
// the HTML will be present regardless of online status
var updateArticles = function(object) {
template = $("#articles")
localStorage.articles = JSON.stringify(object);
// Create a flag so we don't poll the server twice
// at once
var updating = false;
// Create a function that will ask the server for
// updates to the article list
var remoteUpdate = function() {
// Don't ping the server again if we're in the
// process of updating
if(updating) return;
updating = true;
$.getJSON("/article_list.json", function(json) {
updating = false;
// If we have "articles" in the localStorage object,
// update the HTML with the stale articles. Even if
// the user never gets online, they will at least
// see the stale content
if(localStorage.articles) updateArticles(JSON.parse(localStorage.articles));
// If the user was offline, and goes online, ask
// the server for updates
$(window).bind("online", remoteUpdate);
// If the user is online, ask for updates now
if(window.navigator.onLine) remoteUpdate();