Sunlight labs recently built a tool called Echelon to examine companies named in US lobbying forms.
You can read the blog post here
The part that parses company names into normalised forms is actually a very small part of the code. It uses the Clojure library instaparse which works on the following grammar:
beings = <whitespace>* name (<whitespace>+ splitters <whitespace>+ name)* <whitespace>*
name = token (<whitespace>+ token)* ["."*]
(*TODO: What to do about missing spaces. How smart can this parser actually get?*)
<token> = simple | special
(*TODO: why does formers have to included here? It feels odd, perhaps the two negative lookups in simple and then splitters cancel out and formers get lost somehow*)
<simple> = !(special | splitters | formers | initials) #"[a-z0-9&!'/]+" ["."]
<special> = &(special-helper whitespace) special-helper
<special-helper> = and | corporates | domain | initials | north-america | number | saint | usa
and = "&" | "and"
corporates = llc | pllc | llp | lp | incorporated | corporation | limited | company | international | association | foreign
association = "association" | "assn." | "associations" | "association's" | "associations'"
international = "international"
llc = "llc" | "lc" | "lcc" | "llc."
pllc = "pllc"
llp = "llp" | "llp."
lp = "lp" | "lp." | "l.p."
incorporated = "incorporated" | "inc" | "inc."
corporation = "corps" | "corporations" | "corporation" | "corp" | "corp."
limited = "ltd" | "ltd." | "ltd.."
company = "company" | "companies" | "co."
foreign = "ltda."
initials = !(usa | north-america | splitters | corporates) initial+
initial = #"[a-z]" "."
domain = #'[a-z0-9]+' <"."> ("com" | "org" | "us" | "net")
north-america = "north america" | "n.a." | "north american"
number = &(number-helper whitespace) number-helper
<number-helper> = <["no." | "#"]> [<whitespace>] some-digits
<some-digits> = (digit | two-digits | three-digits) {"," three-digits} {digit}
<two-digits> = digit digit
<three-digits> = digit digit digit
<digit> = #"[0-9]"
saint = "st." | "saint" | "saints"
usa = &("u.s." whitespace) "u.s." | &("u.s.a" whitespace) "u.s.a" | &("u.s.a." whitespace) "u.s.a."
splitters = fka | aka
fka = "fka" | "f.k.a." | "f/k/a/" | simple-fka | complex-fka
<simple-fka> = !complex-fka formers
<complex-fka> = formers <whitespace> fka-verbs [<whitespace> "as"]
<formers> = "formerly" | "formelry" | "formarly" | "frmly" | "frly"
<fka-verbs> = "registered" | "filed" | "reported" | "known" | "know" | "field"
aka = "a/k/a" | "a.k.a." | "also known as"
whitespace = ' ' | ',' | '-' | '(' | ')' | ':' | #'$' | '\"' | '/' | '*' | '=' | '>' | '+' | '[' | ']' | '_' | '$'
The parser works on small specific strings that come from forms like this one
on these fields in particular
I've had a go at porting this grammar to the Ruby library parslet. Some resources to learn parslet:
I've not ported every single aspect of the echelon parser so I don't take account of 'USA' or 'saint' or grouping digits in names.
You can run the parser like so:
$ cd this/folder
$ bundle install
$ bundle exec ruby parser.rb
Which shows that "SkyTerra Communications, Inc., formerly Mobile Satellite Ventures" gets turned into