Link to the slide at conference (210MB):
- ROS Kinetic
- PCL 1.8
I will assume you are new to ROS.
mkdir clusterer_ws
cd clusterer_ws
mkdir src
cd src
git clone
cd ..
This should build the clusterer node in your workspace.
Then you can run roscore
in a terminal. And in another terminal you can run:
cd clusterer_ws
source devel/setup.bash
rosrun clusterer clusterer_exec
to run the clusterer executable.
To visualize it, in another terminal run rviz
and as a configuration file choose clusterer_ws/src/deepcon-leo-clusterer/blob/master/rviz_stuff/deepcon.rviz
To feed clusterer with a point cloud stream, you can download a bag file from
and do:
rosbag play filename.bag
to play it.