Auto-awesome-list is auto generated list of machine learning and data science tool from research organizations. Sometimes its easy and reasonable to use pre-implemented tool instead of re-enventing the wheel. This module uses Github API V3 with keywords defined in topics.list
(common github topics used in ML and DS tools) and tasks.list
(list of ML and AI tasks) filter the tools. These lists will get updated every month. New organization can simply be added to watch.list
with organization name,gituhb orgainzation url
format. Suggestions and pull request are always welcomed. 😊
Inspired by Papers With Code and Awesome.
Note: Lists contains some stats for every tool repository. These stats may be wrong because information is not getting fecthed in real-time.
Microsoft, IBM, NVIDIA, DeepMind,, Google,, Google-Research, Spotify, OpenAI, Salesforce, Intel, Uber, Hugging-Face, Alibaba, Lyft, Adobe, Pytorch, Allenai, Oracle, Eclipse, Netflix, eBay, Baidu, Airbnb, Intuit, Stanford-NLP, Amazon, Twitter, Keras, Fastai, Facebook, Tensorflow, VMware, PayPal, Baidu-Research, RARE-Technologies, SAP, Fizyr, Tesla, Snap
- [x] Add more non profit organizations.
- [x] Add analysis based on repositories
- [ ] Add task based classification.