Hi there. This is a repo for work on the Air Miners CDR Supply Cost Curve problem pack.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Initial setup of the data (already done now):
- Run
manually once to load data fromcarbonplan_projects.json
and export to Google Sheets in the proper format. - Manually copy data from Google Sheet to the common sheet used by all.
Pull fresh data from Google sheets:
- Pull data (including projections for the future, filled in by the team) from Google using
. The last line will overwrite the current version ofSupply_Cost_Projections_df.csv
saved in the repo.
cd CDR-Supply-Cost-Curve
mv -f output.csv data/Supply_Cost_Projections_df.csv
- Analyze that data using the
Jupyter notebook.
If you want to make a gif from individual pngs, you can do so using commands like this:
for file in vcp_*anim*png; do convert $file -background white -flatten $file.w.png; done;
convert -delay 50 vcp_*anim*png.w.png vcp_anim.gif
Follow these instructions. You'll have to do that once to set up the authentication, and then you might have to redo it again if your tokens expire (happened to me after one week).
You may get this error when you run the pull_from_google.py
google.auth.exceptions.RefreshError: ('invalid_grant: Token has been expired or revoked.', '{\n "error": "invalid_grant",\n "error_description": "Token has been expired or revoked."\n}')
If so, removing the following file should force a re-authorization next time you run the script:
rm ~/.config/gspread/authorized_user.json