- ✨ Tabler picker
- 🪓 Awesome UI
- 🎨 Awesome Styler
- ⭐ Awesome Links
- 📰 Banners
- 📌 Sticky Headers experimental
- 📰 Restyled layout: grid or flat view ala Tana🡖
- 💣 Page/block properties with icons ala Notion 🡖
- 👓 Hide properties: all
or specified in list 🡖
From Logseq store - Plugins -> Marketplace
Awesome grid or simple flat inline, with or without icons!
Plus per block configuration (global style overrides) - .awpr-layout-flat:: true
or .awpr-layout-grid:: true
Icons, according to property names (predefined or overwritten by yours).
⚠ For proper work you need to set :property-pages/enabled? true
in config.edn
PS: for overview, you can generate prop-icon list via /
menu "AwesomeProps: insert list generator button"
In addition to predefined set, you can extend set with your own icons!
Just open awesome-props-icons
page and add page props block with prop:: iconCode
Get codes via ✨ Tabler icon picker
PS: 💡 You can share your configs pages via https://github.com/dangermccann/logseq-template-gallery
- Hide properties started with dot
- or your own list of key names
Logseq is a privacy-first, open-source knowledge base. Visit https://logseq.com for more information.
- Read about Logseq plugin updates on Dicscord - https://discord.com/channels/725182569297215569/896368413243494430
- Ask about Logseq plugins on Dicscord - https://discord.com/channels/725182569297215569/752845167030960141
- If you have any questions, issues or feature request, use the issue submission on GitHub: https://github.com/yoyurec/logseq-awesome-props/issues