Display cheat sheet of something:
cheat.sh -d <on_what>
Create or edit a cheat sheet:
cheat.sh -e <on_what>
List all the cheat sheets:
cheat.sh -l
- The original idea is from http://cheat.errtheblog.com/
- This time it uses an own git repo as a common database of markdown files
- This repo contains a very simple bash script which manages cheat sheets
- Easily manage cheat accounts via Github
- You can create convenient aliases to use this script. Good luck!
alias ch="~/.cheat/cheat -d"
alias ch?="~/.cheat/cheat -l | grep"
# cheat sheet completion
export CHEAT="~/.cheat"
cheat_complete() {
CHEAT_COMPLETE=( $(ls -1 $CHEAT $CHEAT/errtheblog/ | grep .md | sort -u | cut -f1 -d'.' ) )
COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${CHEAT_COMPLETE[*]}" -- $cur) )
complete -F cheat_complete ch
complete -F cheat_complete cheat