This is just a simle script to find, search, display your jira tasks to console. Commit worklog implemented.
== Installation
To get this working, first install a few gems:
$ gem install soap4r
Now, jira4r, which has to be pulled down from subversion:
$ svn co jira4r $ cd jira4r $ gem build jira4r.gemspec $ gem install jira4r-*.gem
== Config
Config file contains my jira_user and jira_password in form of:
@@settings => { :jira=>['user','password'], :jira_service =>{ :jira=>'url', :filer=>'filter_id_from_jira'}
filter_id: if you create a filter in Jira, you can find this id in the url
== Usage
This is the help from jira.rb
Optional parameter arguments format: param=value
Call jira.rb
COMMANDS: (optional)
- list display jira issues (default command)
- comment post new comment on task
- log posts worklog
- help displays this help message
- open opens jira task in firefox
Timer commands
- start starts a timer for an issue
- stop stops all timers
- push push timers logged times to jira
- clear clear a timer data
if you left one of the required arguments, jira-console tries to start your default editor ENV["EDITOR"] or vim.
arguments for command 'comment'
- key=issue_key
- message=
aguments for command 'log'
- key=issue_key
- time=
- message=
optional arguments for command 'list'
- jira=jira_url override default jira url
- filter=filter_number override/set jira filter id
- user=user_name override default jira user name
- pwd=jira_pwd override default jira password
- display=short|comments|full|worklogs
- display short makes issue number, summary list.(default setting)
- display short with comments
- display full prints out all information
- display worklogs prints out short format with worklog ingormation
- total=true|false display found issues count
- description=true|false display description
- reporter=true|false display reporter
- key=issue_key key searches for jira issue find is a regex key
- find=search_regex find searches for jira issue find is a regex in summary or description or reporter
arguments for command 'start'
- key=issue_key
arguments for command 'open'
- key=issue_key