jtoh - Convert Jekyll-formatted blog posts to Hugo-formatting
jtoh -i source -o destination [-t true]
converts a number of front matter elements, as well as some shortcodes from Jekyll formatting
to Hugo formatting. See DETAILS for more information.
-i - The path to the postings to convert
-o - The path were the converted postings should be written
-t - OPTIONAL - If true, will convert front matter from YAML to TOML
Clone the repository to your $GOPATH.
git clone https://github.com/zanshin/jtoh.git $GOPATH/src/github/zanshin/jtoh
The repository does not contain a pre-built executable. One can be made for the current platform using:
go build .
$ jtoh -i source -o dest
Files to process: 2248
Front Matter conversions
Date and Time formats converted: 479
Date only converted: 1767
Quotes stripped from dates: 282
Leading zero added to M: 1351
Leading zero added to D: 527
Categories converted to tags: 2248
Shortcods converted
YouTube shortcodes converted: 70
Highlight shortcodes converted: 66
End Highlight shortcodes converted: 66
Image shortcodes converted: 88
Total number of bytes processed: 4214704
Post counter : 2248
Parse counter: 2248