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Welcome to Robot Wars!
To run the project type
node main
in the console. You may need to type
npm install
first to download all the dependencies.
I have demonstrated the following features in my code:
- Dependency injection and mocking via the 'rewire' plugin for Node.
- A full suite of BDD unit tests implemented via 'jasmine-node'. To execute these type
jasmine-node spec
in a terminal. - Separation of concerns, keeping the controllers apart from the model and user interface layers. Stubs and Mocking have allowed testing of each layer independently and straight-through tests confirm that the test cases provided are working.
- Additional input safety via the use of a specialised enum library and validations at the model level. Further work could be done here to enforce type safety if I had used TypeScript.
- Detailed code documentation via docco.
If I had more time to spare, it would have been a fun project to write an AngularJS-driven console and visualisation layer served up using the same controller/model via the web browser. I would have liked to have implemented:
- A shared console accessed using a web page and web sockets.
- Further work on user input validation and sanity checking.
- A visualisation of the arena and the robots using HTML5 canvas.