This repo is a simple helper to encrypt / decrypt files. It entirely relies on the cryptography package: don't hesitate to read how they addresse security issues in this article
Create a virtual environment with python 3.9, for example with conda:
conda create -n encr_env python=3.9
Install the package in your virtual environment:
conda activate encr_env
pip install git+
To encrypt a file, execute the command:
conda activate encr_env
file_encryptor encrypt <path/to/file>
The encrypted file will be written at <path/to/encrypted_file
To decrypt a file execute the command:
conda activate encr_env
file_encryptor decrypt <path/to/file>
The decrypted file will be written at <path/to/decrypted_file
For every encryption or decryption, you will be prompted a password and a salt.
The password is non-case sensitive, accents will be converted and punctuation will be removed. The salt is a number used in encryption key generation process.
To achieve a successful decryption, both password and salt must be identical to the ones used when encrypting a file.