Haskell allows guards in pattern matches like the following:
case e of
Div e (Const n) | n <> 0 -> [...]
where Div e (Const n)
only matches if n
is non-zero. If the guard fails, the remaining patterns are tried.
But these guards have to be pure expressions.
Racket, on the other hand, exposes a continuation that allows for general computation to happen to decide, if the pattern matches:
> (define (m x)
(match x
[(list a b c)
(=> exit)
(f x exit)]
[(list a b c) 'sum-is-not-six]))
> (define (f x exit)
(if (= 6 (apply + x))
> (m '(1 2 3))
> (m '(2 3 4))
Using #?
from this library we can implement the same in Haskell using TemplateHaskell
m :: (Num a, Monad m, Eq a) => [a] -> m String
m x =
[| case x of
[a, b, c] -> \exit -> f x exit
[a, b, c] -> \_ -> return "sum is not six"
f :: (Eq a, Num a, Monad m) => [a] -> m String -> m String
f x exit =
if 6 == sum x then return "sum is six"
else exit
But unlike regular guards, #?
allows for arbitrary monadic effects:
example :: IO ()
example = do
x <-
[| case () of
() -> \k -> do
liftIO $ putStrLn "Do you want to match the first case?"
liftIO getLine >>= \case
"yes" -> return "First case"
"no" -> k
() -> \k -> do
liftIO $ putStrLn "Do you want to match the second case?"
liftIO getLine >>= \case
"yes" -> return "Second case"
"no" -> k
putStrLn x