OpenCL Path Tracer Renato Utsch Gonçalves
To compile clTracer, CMake, OpenCL and a compliant C++14 compiler are needed. If on Windows, Visual C++ 2015 is recommended.
The compilation was tested on OS X (using OpenCL on the CPU) and on Windows (using OpenCL on a NVIDIA GPU).
- Extract the zip file to a new folder.
- Browse to this folder with the terminal.
- Create a new folder called "build".
- Enter this new "build" folder.
- Execute the command: "cmake .." 6.1. For OS X and Linux: run "make" 6.2. For Windows: open the Visual Studio project and compile it.
- Run the generated binary as specified by the .pdf distributed with the project.
Some notes:
The input file format changed a little in order to support additional parameters. Now the light section doesn't exist anymore, but the spheres have 3 aditional parameters that specify their emission. If a sphere emits light, it is considered to not reflect or transmit any light. Also, the ambient light coefficient was removed from the materials too.
The command line arguments also changed a little. To specify the width and height, the command must be "-w -h ".
Run "raytracer --help" for more information about the available commands.
An option for anti-aliasing is available as "-aa level", where level is the square root of the number of divisions per pixel for the multisampling.
In case the execution fails, try commenting the lines 77 and 78 (that enable optimizations) of source/clSampler/SamplerImpl.cpp. This is known to work in some Intel CPUs.
To force OpenCL to execute on the GPU instead of the CPU change the SAMPLER_DEVICE_TYPE in source/clSampler/SamplerImpl.cpp at line 38.
This implementation implements all the minimum requirements (70% of the total score), although using OpenCL for much higher performance. Importance sampling and anti-aliasing (through supersampling) were also implemented.
clTracer was made in C++ with OpenCL.
The implementation divided the code in a class to interpret the input arguments, a class to specify the constant world objects, a class to specify the screen where the rays will pass through in the scene and a class to interact with the OpenCL kernel. A class that represents a PPM image was also created.
The class that interacts with the OpenCL kernel uses another class that generates OpenCL code that represents the constant world objects. This generated code is concatenated with the OpenCL functions before compiling the OpenCL kernel and executing it.
The source/clSampler/cl folder contains all the OpenCL source code.
The implemented PathTracer didn't divide between direct and indirect lights, considering all the light on each iteration of the recursion, including emitted light.
The Russian Roulette probability was set to 0.7. I tried other approaches, for example using the dot(-wi, n) (cosine of the angle between the inverse of the light direction and the surface normal), but although faster, they didn't converge as well as using 0.7 and they also introduced different noises.
The decision of which kind of bsdf to use when sampling the ray was made by an uniform random variable. As the material coefficients were normalized, the sum of all the coefficients were sure to be <= 1. After generating the random variable, if it was on the range of one of the coefficients, this brdf would be sampled. For example, if kd was 0.3, ks was 0.3 and kt was 0.2, then if the uniform random variable u (in the range [0, 1]) was < 0.3, the diffuse brdf would be used. If 0.3 <= u < 0.6, the specular brdf would be used. If 0.6 <= u < 0.8, the transmission BTDF would be used. If 0.8 <= u <= 1.0, then the ray wouldn't be sampled.
On each iteration of the recursion, that was simulated using two stacks as OpenCL doesn't support recursion, the current radiance would be added to f * (next iteration radiance) / (pdf * rr).
The Pathtracing algorithm is capable of producing very realistic results when using a big quantity of samples. Because of this, it is a suitable algorithm for when accurate simulation of the reality is needed. One drawback is that it is very slow to converge without visible noise, so it is only applicable on situations where the algorithm has time to run before the results being presented, for example in an animated movie.
When the time spent with calculating the illumination with pathtracing is prohibitive, Raytracing can be used instead. Although raytracing isn't capable of producing the same degree of realism as pathtracing, the illumination can be calculated much faster, to the point that although with current hardware realtime pathtracing (without noise) isn't possible, realtime raytracing is certainly possible. Also, the results of the image with raytracing, although not completely realist, can be very convincing depending of the simplifications made.