Nonadiabatic vibrational spectrum simulation package
Originate from NADVIBS.X by Michael Schuurman 2007
- Diagonalize diabatic vibronic Hamiltonian
- Determine Franck-Condon overlap
- Generate input file for BROOKLYN to calculate spin-orbit fine structure
- Renormalize, rescale, invert, shift the spectrum
- Throw out the lines with 0 intensity
- Plot the simulated line spectrum
- Plot continuous spectrum
Python scripts are simple: use -h argument to show help message
To run NadVibS, use command: mpirun -hostfile hostfile -np #CPU
/NadVibS.exe -m MemoryInMB
-o OutputDirectory
> log
NadVibS requires 2 input files: &, an example is provided. will be automatically generated by SurfGenBound (see for details). However, user has to take care of the FORTRAN namelist file
- restart = 0, new job; else, restart
- niter = number of lanczos iterations to be performed
- basis = number of basis functions for each vibrational mode
- initstate = the initial vibrational state of the precursor (specified by the quanta of each precursor normal mode)
- nstates = number of electronic states
- ordr = order of the expansion for diabatic hamiltonian
- natoms = number of atoms in molecule
- nmodes = number of vibrational modes
- nirreps = number of irreducible representations in point group symmetry
- npirr = number of normal modes in each irreducible representation
- shiftref = 0, do not use new origin; else, use new origin
- bconv = (default 0) -lg( convergence tolerence for eigen value )
- idroots = (default 0) how many of the lead contributors to a vibronic level to identify
- soroots = (default 0) number of roots to compute spin orbit parameters
- reorthog = (default 0) >0, request re-orthogonalization; >1, exact dot products are to be used to monitor lanczos vector orthogonality
- chkorthog = (default 100) every how many iterations compute exact dot products if using recurrence
- nseg = (default 1) number of segements to divide lanczos vector into
- ztoler = (default 1d-20) Any coefficient less ztoler is set to 0
- maxdisk = (default 1000) maximum amount of disk available for use (in MB)
- weights = (default 1) initial weights of the electronic states
Global Arrays 5.4 or later
- M. S. Schuurman, R. A. Young, D. R. Yarkony 2007 Chem. Phys.
- M. S. Schuurman, D. Yarkony 2008 J. Chem. Phys.