This is a ROS2 Package to develop package of megarover using Gazebo. I used model, mesh and world files of as a reference.
If you use ROS2 Galactic, please check galactic branch.
- ROS2 Humble
- Classic Gazebo or Gazebo Fortress
And, I have tested with Eclipse Cyclone DDS as RMW implementation. If you use this RMW implementation, please install according to the following command.
$ sudo apt install ros-humble-rmw-cyclonedds-cpp
$ export RMW_IMPLEMENTATION=rmw_cyclonedds_cpp
$ mkdir -p ~/dev_ws/src
$ cd ~/dev_ws/src
$ git clone
$ cd ..
$ rosdep install -y -i --from-paths src/megarover_samples_ros2
$ colcon build --symlink-install
$ source ~/dev_ws/install/setup.bash
If you use headless mode, add the option gui:=false
$ ros2 launch megarover_samples_ros2
NOTE (humble only):
In humble, gazebo_ros2_control can be activated. If you want to do activation with gazebo_ros2_control, add the option use_ros2_control:=true
However, at this time, gazebo_ros2_control and is still under development and unstable.
$ ros2 launch megarover_samples_ros2 use_ros2_control:=true
In addition, with gazebo:=ignition
option, it is possible to start with an Ignition Gazebo.
$ ros2 launch megarover_samples_ros2 gazebo:=ignition use_ros2_control:=true
$ ros2 launch megarover_samples_ros2
$ ros2 run teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard
$ mkdir ~/maps
$ ros2 launch megarover_samples_ros2
If you use headless mode, add the option gui:=false
$ ros2 launch megarover_samples_ros2
$ ros2 launch megarover_samples_ros2 map:=$HOME/maps/vmegarover_samplemap.yaml
- [x] 2D Scan
- [x] RGBD Camera
- [x] odometry
- [x] teleop
- [x] slam_toolbox
- [x] amcl
- [x] navigation