To run any exercise, go to the app's root and run npm install
once to install all required modules, then npm start
every time to start the app.
Stuff I don't like about React (so far - some of it will probably get better when I go beyond the basics)
every input must have a state hook and you have to define the onChange callback to set the state of the associated variable, so every time an input changes value theres a round trip to react
When rendering two elements on two diferent lines, there is no whitespace between them. You have to manually add whitespace with {' '}
messy syntax with all the curly braces everywhere
confusing and overly complicated that if ou want to have a state variable you need to define a two-element array and use the setter every time you want to change the state
component's state is being maintained by the parent, not by the component itself
you can't do a simple "return" of a value from a component. You have to use callbacks from the parents.
I can't simply "return" right away inside a component conditionally if I use any hooks. For example, in the countries app (part 2) in the Weather component I want it to just return right away without trying to do anything if an API key isn't provided, but I can't do that because then react complains that hooks must be run before any conditionals.
having an input field is so much work, you hvae to create a variable for each input
"you must never mutate state directly" this causes awkward code and is very easy to forget.
any variable used inside an effect hook must be declared in the [] second parameter of the hook
no way to retrieve a value from a child component once on-demand. Instead I have to have a callback function that always gives me its value, seems very wasteful
annoying that when rendering HTML tags, I can't use normal attributes like class (need to use className instead) or if I want to add a style I need to wrap the contents in weird curly braces instead of just a string
inline styles are extra weird, values need to be wrapped in quotes, numeric pixels are numbers without the "px", hyphenated property names become camelCase