Some quines in the Go programming language
: A quine I came up with after reading some Python code that does something similar. It's very simple, without using any special ASCII codes for quotes, but it does require a lot of the code on one long line. -
: A quine crafted by Russ Cox and shown in a 2010 blog post. This one is using the Go backtick quote for nicer code formatting. It also demonstrates a common technique used in quines to make sure quoting works out, by passing an ASCII code for quotes to the printing function. -
: A bit of a "cheat". Reading your own source code and spitting it out is an obvious way to write quines, but it's so easy that it's usually frowned upon. "Morally pure" quines are not supposed to issue file reading calls; this one doesn't -- it uses the embedded file support added in Go 1.16 to make the toolchain read the file for us. -
: Uses a common byte-encoding trick where the program is encoded somehow (in this case simply as integer values for its bytes) and the encoding is printed twice - once plainly, and once decoded. This is a very general approach, applicable in any language (even Assembly!)