This Git repository contains the notebooks to be used for the Python bootcamps at the Erasmus University Rotterdam.
- We want to introduce programming, using Python, to PhD students.
- We want to establish an EUR Python community in order to be able to share knowledge and to provide a distributed form of support for members of the community.
- Use a public repository to store the contents of the course.
- Anaconda Python distribution (Python 3.5)
- Jupyter Notebooks
- Understand that, in an academic context, it is important to be able to read, use and re-use code.
- Modular, comprehensible, re-usable and testable all come together.
- Solving problems with the computer can be fun; working together on solving these problems doubles the fun.
Preliminary content of the bootcamps can be as follows:
Intro, short history of Python, characteristics of Python Jupyter Notebooks
Python basics I
- simple expressions
- assignment statement
- conditional expressions
- sets
- lists
- tuples
- and other things to iterate over
- dictionaries, comprehensions
- defining one-line procedures
Python basics II
- Using existing modules
- Creating your own modules
- Loops and conditional statements
- Grouping in Python using indentation
- Breaking out of a loop
- Reading from a file
Datalab I: number guessing games (random, keeping track of scores, etc.)
Datalab II: (wordfrequency in Jane Austen's novel "Emma")
Python more in depth: More on numbers & text
Datalab III:
Aggregating data: Scraping, etc.
CSV files, Pandas, data cleaning: tidy-data Text analysis with NLTK and/or textBlob, data cleaning
SQL BigQuery, visualizations
Morning: Wrap-up, evaluation, etc.
- Pointers to online resources