A program to quickly sort multi-photo scanned images.
Define clip rectangles, with their rotation and label, hit Save and move on to the next picture. Quick and easy.
You have a directory with some images, each coming for instance from scanning a pageful of photos or something and containing several subjects. If you want to save each subject as a separate image, and do it quickly, then skanfixer is the right tool.
skanfixer lets you browse all pictures in a given folder, define a number of clip-rectangles in each picture, optionally assign a rotation angle and a label to them, and save the contents of each rectangle as a separate image into a target directory.
Starting in version 1.0, the loaded image is analysed and a set of clip rectangles is suggested. This procedure, based on erosion/dilation techniques, can be turned off and configured in the settings.
To install: clone this repo, make sure you have Python3 and install the packages in the requirements.txt
There are a source directory and a target directory: each can be chosen from the button bar. To move through the source images use the arrows; for each image you define one or more clip-rectangles and hit Save to have them exported as stand-alone images in the target directory.
The output filenames features a numeric prefix (whose offset can be configured) and a rectangle label, if one was specified. The prefix keeps increasing throughout the whole source-dir.
Every time you move away from a given source-image, all defined rectangles are lost; so, once all rectangles are set up, hit Save before advancing to the next picture.
A first click on the picture creates a new rectangle's corner; a second click places the opposite corner. Rectangles are deleted with a right-click and resized by clicking on their eight size-handles.
The bottom side of the enclosed clip is marked by a thinner internal line: press 'R' when a rectangle is highlighted to change its orientation (which affects the final saved clip-picture).
A rectangle can have a defining, not necessarily unique, label: to set it, press 'L' when the rectangle is highlighted, type the label and press 'Enter' to confirm.
You can turn on and off, at any time, a zoom view, centred on the current mouse position, to perform pixel-sharp positioning. Press 'Z' to toggle it, or 'Esc' to clear it. The zoom view acts as a portion of the main picture view in (almost) all respects, so for instance you can move a rectangle's corner through the zoom view, in and out of it, open the zoom window while moving it, etc.
None at the moment; please let me know if you find any.
file in this repository.