Jupiter Collection Testers allows you to exhaustively test your Java collections with JUnit Jupiter, part of JUnit 5.
This project is similar to Guava's collection testers for JUnit 4.
This project is not production ready yet.
I aim to introduce continuous integration builds and to publish snapshots and releases to Maven Central sooner rather than later. (I'd appreciate help with settings things up!)
I'll write instructions on how to use Jupiter Collection Testers in your tests after snapshots are being pushed to Maven Central.
Contributions to Jupiter Collection Testers are both welcomed and appreciated! For specific guidelines regarding contributions, please see CONTRIBUTING.md in the root directory of the project.
If you have a question, or would like to request a new feature, or think you've found a bug, please open a new issue.
(I'd appreciate help with setting up a Gitter channel!)
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the release tags.
Jupiter Collection Testers depends on JUnit 5, the license of which can be found here.
Thank you very much to all contributors!
Also, thank you very much to Guava for providing inspiration with their collection testers for JUnit 4!