muhttpd (mu HTTP deamon) is a simple but versatile web server written in portable ANSI C. It supports static pages, CGI scripts, and MIME type based handlers. It drops privileges before accepting any connections, and it can log received requests. Development emphasis is on simplicity, small size, and security. It has been tested on GNU/Linux, OpenBSD, NetBSD, FreeBSD, Mac OS X, and Cygwin. It compiles and runs on 32 bits and 64 bits, little endian and big endian systems.
Various features can be disabled at compile time, making the resulting binary even simpler, smaller, and probably more secure.
muhttpd has seen rapid development in early 2004, and is now a very stable product.
See the file INSTALL for instructions, but basically it's the familiar
./configure make make install
muhttpd is configured using a configuration file, /etc/muhttpd/muhttpd.conf by default. See the file conf/muhttpd.conf for an example.