.. image:: https://travis-ci.org/jstasiak/skiplistcollections.png?branch=master :alt: Build status :target: https://travis-ci.org/jstasiak/skiplistcollections
skiplistcollections is a Python module containing skip list based sorted collections. skiplistcollections is written in Python and works with:
- CPython 2.6+, 3.2+
- PyPy 1.9+
Project page on GitHub: https://github.com/jstasiak/skiplistcollections
Project page on PyPI: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/skiplistcollections
is container providing dict-like interface and implemented using skip list. It's permanently sorted by key.
- Iterating the container (starting with any key, supports reverse ordering) is O(n)
- Getting, setting and deleting arbitrary key is O(log n) on average, O(n) in worst case (degenerated skip list)
See http://pythonsweetness.tumblr.com/post/45227295342/fast-pypy-compatible-ordered-map-in-89-lines-of-python for details.
.. code-block:: python
from skiplistcollections import SkipListDict things = SkipListDict(capacity=16) len(things) 0 things['x'] = 1 things.setdefault('x', 'DEFAULT') 1 'x' in things True len(things) 1 things['g'] = 2 things['z'] = 3 tuple(things.keys()) ('g', 'x', 'z') tuple(things.values()) (2, 1, 3) tuple(things.items()) (('g', 2), ('x', 1), ('z', 3)) tuple(things.items(start_key='x')) (('x', 1), ('z', 3)) tuple(things.items(start_key='x', reverse=True)) (('x', 1), ('g', 2)) del things['z'] things.update({'a': 'A', 'b': 'B'}) len(things) 4 things SkipListDict({'a': 'A', 'b': 'B', 'g': 2, 'x': 1}, capacity=16)
As you can see, SkipListDict
follows Python dict interface quite closely. In fact it inherits MutableMapping
Abstract Base Class.
There are differences of course:
- You need to set the maximum dict size when you create it
- Initializing using another mapping is not supported yet
- You can't use None as a key
, andvalues
are views and acceptstart_key
is set implementation using skip list. It's permanently sorted by key.
- Iterating the container is O(n)
- Adding, removing and checking if a key exist in the containe is O(log n) on average, O(n) in worst case (degenerated skip list)
.. code-block:: python
from skiplistcollections import SkipListSet things = SkipListSet(capacity=16) len(things) 0 things.add(3) len(things) 1 things.add(1) things.add(4) things SkipListSet((1, 3, 4), capacity=16) tuple(things) (1, 3, 4) things.remove(2) Traceback (most recent call last): KeyError: 2
* Fixed bug with SkipListDict yielding too many items if start_key was not found (GitHub issue #1)
- Fixed SkipListDict repr
- Created SkipListSet
* Included start_key and reverse values in views reprs
* Improved README
return views now
* Improved README
Original version - Copyright (C) 2013 David Wilson
Copyright (C) 2013 Jakub Stasiak
This source code is licensed under MIT license, see LICENSE file for details.