Get completion suggestion and inspect object from (IPython) Jupyter kernel inside neovim.
There are a lots of plugins out there to help with sending Python code to a REPL, but not a lot of plugins helps extracting the benefit of interactive coding back into Neovim, where your cursor will reside most of the time. This is a simple plugin that wrap-around python package 'jupyter_client' to provide ergonomic workflow that enhance your coding experience with any Jupyter kernels.
Open a floating window to inspect object under the cursor
Very basic functionality to send code to directly to kernel in normal and visual mode.
No fancy display of execution outputs, as it would complicate the plugin a lot by having async code check if execution is complete or not. Use this alongside your terminal/qt console for basic text and image display, or notebook if you need fancy widgets or latex.
- Neovim must have
provider to run remote plugins (:checkhealth provider
) -
python3 -m pip install -U pynvim jupyter_client
from your neovim's python provider. - Add
to nvim-cmp sources. - Install plugin with your favorite package manager and call
to override default options. - Run
after installed.
opts = {
inspect = {
-- opts for vim.lsp.util.open_floating_preview
window = {
max_width = 84,
-- time to wait for kernel's response in seconds
timeout = 0.5,
cmd = {"JupyterAttach", "JupyterInspect", "JupyterExecute"},
build = ":UpdateRemotePlugins",
keys = { { "<leader>k", "<Cmd>JupyterInspect<CR>", desc = "Inspect object in kernel" } },
{ -- cmp configs ...
sources = cmp.config.sources({
{ name = "jupyter" }, -- Add this
-- existing sources
{ name = "nvim_lsp" },
{ name = "luasnip" },
{ name = "treesitter" }
{ name = "path" },
{ name = "copilot" },
Start and run jupyter kernel using your favorite method (Notebook, qtconsole
, jupyter console
in tmux/neovim/window-manager/togglerterm/floaterm.
If you have multiple kernels running or the kernel you want to connect is not the most recently created, check the magic %connect_info
and look for something like
`... if you are local, you can connect with just:
$> jupyter <app> --existing kernel-4301.json`
Edit your code and send it to kernel however you like. Then attach the current buffer to the kernel using :JupyterAttach
A popup will appear and list all the available kernels to connect to, sorted by most recently created.
- Completions are provided automatically by
, given you have it setup. - Call
to inspect word under cursor.
Only the following commands are provided, without any default keymaps.
: 1st argument is path to kernel's json. If no path is provided, a popup will appear to select a running kernel to attach. -
: detach buffer from kernel -
: inspect object under cursor. This command send the current line and cursor location tojupyter_client
, it is up to the kernel to decide which object to inspect. -
: send code to execute in kernel. Support 3 options in order:- Visual mode: Send current selection, lines are properly joined with
- Normal mode with argument: Send entire argument as one line
- Normal mode without argument: Send current line
- Visual mode: Send current selection, lines are properly joined with
Buffer variable
to check if current buffer is attached to any kernel.
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>k", "<CMD>JupyterInspect<CR>", {desc = "Inspect object"})
Ipython console runs a single process, without a server-client architecture. Use jupyter console
as a replacement.
- (or maintained fork: molten-nvim)
- ... and many more repl and terminal plugin
- : Two-way interactions, nvim-cmp and notebooks in browser
- : Two-way interactions, omnifunc and split pane.
Speical thanks to those plugins for inspiration and examples.
Issues and Pull Requests are welcome. See issue #1 for a TODO list and cast your votes.