Source plugin for getting data from Dropbox account.
If you want to work with Markdown files that include images, you also need to install gatsby-remark-dropbox-images
npm install --save gatsby-source-dropbox
Configure the plugin
// In your gatsby-config.js
plugins: [
resolve: `gatsby-source-dropbox`,
options: {
accessToken: `access-token`,
extensions: ['.pdf', '.jpg', '.png', '.md'],
path: '/path/to/folder',
recursive: false,
createFolderNodes: false,
- accessToken: the token to use for querying dropbox. In order to get an access token you will need to create an app and generate one.
- extensions: list of extensions used to filter out results
- path: the folder to use to retrieve data. Defaults to '' which is the root of the dropbox project.
- recursive: use this to retrieve files from subdirectories as well
- createFolderNodes use this if you want see your nodes structured by the folders they where in
The plugin provides some basic information of the remote files such as:
- name the filename,
- path the file path,
- lastModified the last modification date,
The plugin makes use of the create remote node API of gatsby to locally download all the files in order to use them with other transformer plugins such as gatsby-transformer-sharp for images or gatsby-transformer-remark for markdown files.
query {
allDropboxNode {
edges {
node {
localFile {
childMarkdownRemark {
By setting this to true, you will get the following types in graphql:
allDropboxNode # everything that's not one of the above, will be of this type
You can now easily query for files within a folder. Lets say you have a simple portfolio structured like this on your dropbox:
+-- Project-01-Lorem-Name
| +--
| +-- Gallery-Image-01.jpg
| +-- Gallery-Image-02.jpg
+-- Project-02-Ipsum-Name
| +--Gallery-Image-01.jpg
| +--Gallery-Image-02.jpg
You can now query like following in gatsby-node.js
and create project pages with a corresponding template:
query MyQuery {
allDropboxFolder(filter: {name: {regex: "/Project/"}}) {
group(field: name) {
nodes {
dropboxImage {
localFile {
childImageSharp {
fluid {
dropboxMarkdown {
localFile {
childMarkdownRemark {