group project 1
MVP - create a list: with the options to View All Tasks, Add task, remove task, set priority and set status.
Stretch :
a) sort list tasks by priorities b) edit task c) add project/category
a) sort - by list, done, still to do, in progress. b) sort by project/category/owner
user can add task - addTask()
test: addTask function returns newly added task.
user can delete a task - delTask()
test: check the length of our data, is it -1?
user can set priority - setPriority()
test : check the value of the priority of the edited task.
User can set status - setStatus()
test : check the value of the status of the edited task.
User can list all tasks - displayTasks()
test: check the 3rd task display on webpage, is the string matched with our 3rd test data.
user can edit a task - editTask()
test : check the task value edited task whether it match with our test string.
Main - display all tasks, add task form, edit/delete buttons, dropdown menus for priorities and status.
Edit - form to edit data , post to Main to display tasks