Provides some additional DateTime math functions:
nth-weekday-of-month( UInt :$nth!, # integer, e.g., 1 for the first weekday W in the month Str :$weekday!, # first two letters of the day of the week of interest # (case insensitive) :$year =, # starting year of interest (yyyy) :$mon =, # starting month of interest (first three letters or # number 1..12; case insensitive) UInt :$num = 12, # number of dates to list --> List) # returns list of Date objects
nth-weekday-before-date( UInt :$nth!, # integer, e.g., 1 for the first weekday W before a date Str :$weekday!, # first two letters of the day of the week of interest Date :$date! # (case insensitive) --> Date)