A docker-compose file for a full Mesos (master and slave), Marathon and Chronos stack
Links to the host-OS Docker daemon are passed to the 'mesos-slave', meaning Docker containers are launched alongside the docker-compose containers on the host OS.
The host OS must have the following installed:
- make
- docker (docker-ce is recommended instead of default OS packages)
- docker-compose
- The system hostname must be resolvable by DNS or in /etc/hosts.
- The required ports (mentioned below) must be open on your Docker host's firewall.
This project has only been tested on CentOS 7.x with Docker Community Edition packages. Your results may vary!
Note: is very likely you will need to run all 'make' commands below as 'root'
make start
make stop
Note: this deletes all data created by the containers!
make clean
The docker-compose.yml launches the following:
- mesoscloud/zookeeper:3.4.8-centos-7
- mesosphere/mesos-master:1.5.0
- mesosphere/mesos-slave:1.5.0
- mesoscloud/marathon:1.1.1-centos-7
- mesosphere/chronos:v3.0.2
The docker-compose.yml requires the following ports.
Note: change in docker-compose.yml if required
- 4040/tcp (http://host:4040): Chronos UI
- 5050/tcp (http://host:5050): Mesos Master UI
- 5051/tcp (http://host:5051): Mesos Slave UI
- 8080/tcp (http://host:8080): Marathon UI
- 2181/tcp: Zookeeper (Optional/comment-out to disable)