Collaborative work for 2016-2017 UVA DSI Capstone Project.
DataCleaning.R: Merge data with same attributes but in different years into a single data frame. Variable name and type checking have been done before merging raw text files. Nine data frames will be created including:
- crash location
- vehicle
- driver
- passenger
- pedestrain
- license
- property damage
- vehicle commercial
- uva-vt
merge_fatal&injury_only.R Merge all the text files into a single data frame. Here the data contains only fatal and injury crashes caused by unrestraint fatalities, which is a subset of the old data. Data created will be used to analyze any correlation between unrestraint fatalities and serious car crashes.
Merge all the nine data frames (from DataCleaning.R) together into a huge data frame. Any observations that are mistyped will be removed. After this, we will obtain the cleaned data for analysis. -
plots.R Created different plots to help us understand the problems. There are two types of plots:
- plot of number of car crashes by month for each year from 2010 to 2015 (different plots for fatal, injury and property damage crashes)
- plot of car crash by location for each year from 2010 to 2015 (different plots for fatal, injury and property damage crashes)