Master's graduate in Data Science from Deakin University | Ex Data Analyst - Credit Suisse (now UBS).
Select a repository to view its commits, contributors, and more.RASA-NLU---Chatbot
In this repository, we have built a chatbot that can answer questions related to Mucormycosis infection also colloquially called as Black Fungus infection.Mucormycosis is a deadly infection affecting the patients who have recovered from COVID-19 and currently very few people have knowledge about this deadly disease. The technology behind the chat is open source RASA X which internally uses Spacy library to process the Natural Language.The model was trained using DIET classifier in Tensorflow for 100 epochs.Furthermore, we were able to integrate the Chatbot into Telegram and Slack messaging application.Lastly, the application was deployed on Google Cloud Platform
This repository contains my final submission for Deakin Simpsons Challenge - 2021.
In this end to end project, we try to determine if the person has contracted COVID-19 disease by Machine Learning.The Deep Learning model predicts if a person has COVID-19 by taking in the Chest X-ray image as an input.The project has been hosted on heroku platform
In this repository, we build a DVC pipeline for a simple machine learning algorithm. The pipeline would load the data from a repository, split, train, and evaluate the data
Implementation of YOLOv3 in detecting objects in a video
In this end to end project, we try to predict the chances of a person getting heart attack using Machine Learning by taking into consideration of various factors such as age, sex, type of chest pain, maximum heart rate achieved, major number of arteries.Also included is the EDA and the Power BI visualisation files
This repository contains my ipynb notebook for implementing Deep Convolution Generative adversarial networks.We used MNIST images to train the DCGAN
Basic Implementation of a perceptron neuron
This repository is a small POC for implementing a DVC pipeline on the classification of Fashion MNIST data sets using CNN's. Also, implemented is the CI-CD pipeline through GitHub actions which runs the whole DVC pipeline in the background when any changes are pushed to the repository.