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List of commits on branch main.

small changes

yyalsaffar committed a year ago

color change

yyalsaffar committed a year ago

final updates

yyalsaffar committed a year ago

add instructions_screen.dart

yyalsaffar committed a year ago

some lottie animation

yyalsaffar committed a year ago

some animations added

yyalsaffar committed a year ago


The README file for this repository.

My ToDo App

A modern and clean ToDo application built with Flutter. It provides a seamless experience to users, allowing them to manage tasks efficiently with intuitive animations and features.

File Structure

1. main.dart

The main entry point for the application. It sets up the main theme and routing for the app.

  • MyApp: The root widget for the app.
  • SplashScreen: The splash screen shown on app startup, featuring a beautiful animation and a warm welcome.
  • HomeScreen: The main screen of the app which displays tasks and allows users to interact with them.
  • WideLayout: A layout for wider screens which splits tasks and completed tasks side by side.
  • NarrowLayout: A layout for narrow screens which toggles between tasks and completed tasks.

2. task.dart

Defines the Task class used for task management throughout the app.

3. task_screen.dart

This is where all the pending tasks are listed. Users can interact with tasks (complete, edit, delete) directly from this screen.

4. completed_tasks_screen.dart

Displays the completed tasks. Users can revert a task's status to incomplete from here.

5. new_task_sheet.dart

A bottom sheet that appears when users want to add a new task to their list.

6. instructions_screen.dart

A series of slides introducing users to the functionalities of the app. Useful for first-time users.

7. task_details_page.dart

A detailed view of each task. Provides options to update, delete, or mark a task as completed.

8. utils.dart

Contains utility functions used throughout the application, such as formatting dates.


  • Animations: The app features smooth animations, providing a good user experience.
  • Adaptive Layout: Adjusts its interface based on the width of the device screen.
  • Easy Task Management: Add, complete, edit, or delete tasks with ease.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Navigate to the project directory and run flutter pub get to install dependencies.
  3. Launch the app using flutter run.